Monday, September 27, 2010

Osha on Embarcadero

Last night had dinner at Osha (Thai restaurant) with Nanny and Sara. It was simple dinner. Nothing fancy. A very warm welcome when we walked in. I love their service at Osha!

 Seafood Tom Yum soup (I gave all my seafood to Nanny)
I'm not a big fan of TomYum soup but there's fresh seafood. 

 Angel Wings
Deep fried chicken wings with sweet & spicy sauce and crispy basil
I love their Angel wings! It's very crispy. I think I can make this at home. Just deep fry the chicken wings, buy the sauce from the market, mix the wings and sauce. There you go Osha's Angel Wings. :)  

 Lamb & Chicken Satay
Served with peanut sauce and cucumber bits
I don't like lamb. They have this stinky smell. So I dipped a lot of peanut sauce!!! Chicken satay was good but not AMAZING! The sauce turned really thick over time so better dip your sauce fast! 

Nanny very happy with her Angel wings

We ordered Green Peppercorn Pork and Green Curry pan fried flat noodle but I forgot to take a picture. HaHa next time! I forgot to bring my camera sorry for the bad quality of the pictures!

Osha Thai Restaurant
& Lounge
4 Embarcadero Center
Street Level SF, CA 94111

Osha Embacadero Link