Monday, December 13, 2010

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

Lately there have been some hype about this place and my sister tried this place she said it was good. So I decided to give it a try.

 All you can refill soda!!! (Reg Size) $1.89

 All you can eat peanuts!!! (Free)

 Little Bacon Cheeseburger with may, lettuce, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, and mustard (I can't imagine how big is the regular burger) $4.99

 Cajun Fries (Large size) $4.59

Overall thought: Nothing special to me. Yes, the meat is a little bit more juicy-er than In-and-Out. All the toppings in the burger is free so that's good. The burger bun became really soggy in the last few bites. The Cajun fries didn't really work for me. There was too much Cajun powder. I feel like I was eating powder instead of fries. Hmmm maybe next time I'll try the Five guys style fries instead.  

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