Saturday, January 29, 2011

I feel so guilty...

Yes, I've splurge big on a camera. I know I shouldn't be spending so much. 1) I have a lot of debts 2) I need to pay off my bills 3) I have 3 mini vacations and a huge one to Asia.

Okay this is it! I promise I will not spend on useless stuff(cosmetics & nail polishes & etc)
Ughhhhh I can't make this guilt go away!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quick entry

Okay I'm going to try to make this quick because I have to change, apply make-up, and leave the house in 15 minutes.

After browsing some new blogs, I notice mines is really crappy compared to others. hmmm... bad camera, not good on creativity, not enough of writing, bad layout...oh wells...:(

I've been super lazy on my nail art. The night before I finally sat down and work on it but I was tired and didnt put my whole heart into it. It end up looking VERY crappy! I didn't even bother taking pictures of it. (Yes, it's that bad!) Last night I did another one, I end up spending a long time on it. Some pics below

I don't know what to name this nail art.  

This is the mess it comes along the nail art. 

 Oops...5 more mins to do everything gotta goo!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I've been lazy

Yep as my title I've been super lazy. I think the Christmas shopping really drained me!