Friday, January 21, 2011

Quick entry

Okay I'm going to try to make this quick because I have to change, apply make-up, and leave the house in 15 minutes.

After browsing some new blogs, I notice mines is really crappy compared to others. hmmm... bad camera, not good on creativity, not enough of writing, bad layout...oh wells...:(

I've been super lazy on my nail art. The night before I finally sat down and work on it but I was tired and didnt put my whole heart into it. It end up looking VERY crappy! I didn't even bother taking pictures of it. (Yes, it's that bad!) Last night I did another one, I end up spending a long time on it. Some pics below

I don't know what to name this nail art.  

This is the mess it comes along the nail art. 

 Oops...5 more mins to do everything gotta goo!!!!

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