Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So over due and lazy

I haven't logged on for so long... I think a little over 2 months? I have been very lazy.
I have a long list of "to dos" that is so overdue that I kept changing to duedates. Lucily it's not work related or else I'm dead!

My so over due to-do lists
- Blog about my babies and eidt some pics of them
- Clear old song on my external drive
- Blog about my new addiction
- Look for travel size flat iron for a friend
- Subscribe to some blogs
- Organize my make-up area
- Excercise
- Edit a short clip for my babies
- Continue learn how to use my dslr camera
- Get a haircut
- Dl drama for my sis
- Comvert videos for Ipad

Hopefully I can get all these done within 2 weeks. Wish me luck!

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