Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Countdown to my vacations

Imats & LA
2 months and 4 days

Camping (Pending)
2 months and 19 days

Las Vegas
5 months and 17 days

Asia trip
6 months and 25 days

As you can tell I can't wait for my vacations to come!


For the past week I've been non stop smiling to myself. Reason? The Hong Kong air ticket and hotel is booked and paid in full. Done with itinerary. Now I just have to research and wait till September then I can book Taipei and Seoul. The Package I booked includes roundtrip from SFO to HKG, 3 nights accomondation at my favorite hotel Royal Plaza in Mong Kok area, and roundtrip tranportation hotel to/from HKG. All that for $1310.
7 months to go!

So over due and lazy

I haven't logged on for so long... I think a little over 2 months? I have been very lazy.
I have a long list of "to dos" that is so overdue that I kept changing to duedates. Lucily it's not work related or else I'm dead!

My so over due to-do lists
- Blog about my babies and eidt some pics of them
- Clear old song on my external drive
- Blog about my new addiction
- Look for travel size flat iron for a friend
- Subscribe to some blogs
- Organize my make-up area
- Excercise
- Edit a short clip for my babies
- Continue learn how to use my dslr camera
- Get a haircut
- Dl drama for my sis
- Comvert videos for Ipad

Hopefully I can get all these done within 2 weeks. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Credit to blog.ticketleap.com       

My V Day nail art

My new camera

Remember I splurge on a camera? It's here and I've been playing around with it lately.

Panasonic Lumix GH1 (I got a really good deal on this one!) 

 Ddung dolls that I love!

 Hello Kitty stamps (I swear this looks prettier through camera)

My very messy desk 

 Found some foreign coins on my desk(I can't wait to use it later this year)

My friend gave me an bag of treats for V Day 

My sis in law got this face cleanser for me from Japan 

I love this camera even though it's much more complicated but it's all worth it.

Happy Lunar New Year!

Yes, I'm a bit late...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I feel so guilty...

Yes, I've splurge big on a camera. I know I shouldn't be spending so much. 1) I have a lot of debts 2) I need to pay off my bills 3) I have 3 mini vacations and a huge one to Asia.

Okay this is it! I promise I will not spend on useless stuff(cosmetics & nail polishes & etc)
Ughhhhh I can't make this guilt go away!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quick entry

Okay I'm going to try to make this quick because I have to change, apply make-up, and leave the house in 15 minutes.

After browsing some new blogs, I notice mines is really crappy compared to others. hmmm... bad camera, not good on creativity, not enough of writing, bad layout...oh wells...:(

I've been super lazy on my nail art. The night before I finally sat down and work on it but I was tired and didnt put my whole heart into it. It end up looking VERY crappy! I didn't even bother taking pictures of it. (Yes, it's that bad!) Last night I did another one, I end up spending a long time on it. Some pics below

I don't know what to name this nail art.  

This is the mess it comes along the nail art. 

 Oops...5 more mins to do everything gotta goo!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I've been lazy

Yep as my title I've been super lazy. I think the Christmas shopping really drained me!