Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Feast!

Once a year BIG feast is here! This is what my big sister, brothers, sis in laws, and nieces made this year! Absolute LOVE THEM!!!



 Asian Chicken Salad

 Mashed Potato and Gravy

Chinese Borscht Soup

 Zucchini and Sunflower seed Bread

 Chocolate chip cupcake and Poppy seed cupcake

 Fruit Salad

 Shrimp Salad w/ sweet chili sauce

 Honey Ham

 Garlic Bread

 Mixed Grapes



The Young Girls




 3 Generations Together


 My sis playing around with her instant camera

My bro-sis in law

After dinner all the young girls played card games and ate yummy dessert. I had a great night! I can't wait till the Christmas Dinner!

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