Sunday, November 28, 2010

These are the MUST ask questions from people

These are the question I hate hearing when friends know that I'm going on trips that's why I always have to keep my plans a top secret...and these are my answers in case you're wondering....

- OooOooohhhh Can I come along?
Answer: No. This is not an open invitation. I'm just sharing my upcoming trips plan.

- Buy me souvenirs!
Answer: Shut up! I don't get sh** from you when you go on vacations. Plus it's MY vacation I'm suppose to enjoy! I'm so sick and tired of ppl asking to buy stuff for them. One rule for me I don't buy souvenirs unless it's family.

- Can you help me bring something to my relatives/friends?
Answer: No. I don't have time to visit YOUR friends and family.

- Can you help me bring something back home from my friend/family?
Answer: No. I don't have space in my luggage! My luggage been overweight 2 times cause helping people bring stuff. I end up throwing away my jeans, pajamas, a pile of unused napkin, food, snacks at the airport garbage can and embarrassed myself to death with a way over sized carry-on plastic bag.

- Can you help me buy something? I'll pay you back!
Answer: I don't care! NO! I don't like spending my vacation time to help people "search" for their items.

- Why do you always go on vacations?
Answer: I love traveling! And I usually go on small/short trips. I only go on long/overseas ONCE every 2 years.

- Why are you "exposing" your plans now since you don't like people asking you these questions?
Answer: People can think whatever they want! Yeah I'm scandalous and mean not helping or buying souvenirs. I don't care! I want to be open about my trips from now on and share it to everyone.